Skin inflammations

Why acne should definitely be treated

27.06.2024 09:00

Most teenagers are probably familiar with pimples and blackheads. They often disappear or improve over the age of 20. However, some can develop severe acne with inflamed, pus-filled pustules that can also bleed. If left untreated, serious consequential damage is possible.

"For mild and moderate acne, treatment on the skin is often sufficient. In severe cases, additional medication should be taken," emphasizes Assoc. Prof. Priv. Doz. Dr. Julia Valencak, specialist in dermatology and venereology.

Medicines to apply to the skin
Antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide, azelaic acid and retinoids are available for external acne treatment. Ideally, the ingredients should be combined. Most studies on this form of acne therapy were carried out over a period of 12 to 16 weeks and showed a maximum reduction in acne of 80 percent.

Sometimes drug therapy is also necessary. (Bild:
Sometimes drug therapy is also necessary.

Tetracyclines have been included in the German guidelines for the treatment of moderate acne for twelve years. Other suitable preparations that reach the excretory duct of the sebaceous follicle are also used. The recommended duration of treatment is at least one and a maximum of three months. "The combination of oral tetracyclines with external acne therapy potentiates the effect many times over," explains Prof. Dr. Valencak.

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As it can take a few weeks for the skin to visibly improve, even with the strong drug treatments, it is important to inform those affected in advance.

Assoc. Prof. Priv. Doz. Dr. Julia Valencak, Fachärztin für Dermatologie und Venerologie

"As it can take a few weeks for the skin to visibly improve, even with strong drug treatments, it is important to inform those affected about this in advance. In this way, patients can be prevented from developing unrealistic expectations, which can quickly lead to disappointment and frustration and make the treatment less effective. Isotretinoin is the medication of choice for severe acne that can lead to scarring. The recommended duration of use is six months.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has spoken out against prescribing isotretinoin to adolescents under the age of twelve: This is because some case reports have shown changes in the growth plates and sometimes painful cartilage deposits in the knee joint. Protect your skin from extreme cold and direct sunlight. Both can make acne worse in the long term and can undo any successes already achieved in acne treatment.

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