Theater Sommer from 4.7.

“Parndorf is a real fixed star for me!”

27.06.2024 09:00

On July 4, the curtain rises again on the church square in Parndorf. This time the play will be "Unverhofft" by Nestroy.

The Theater am Kirchenplatz in Parndorf has been in existence for 28 years and has been directed by Christian Spatzek since 2012; the association has been cooperating with Kulturbetriebe Burgenland (KBB) since last year. This should also ensure the continuation of the event. "We at the association are looking for new talent and are really happy about the cooperation with KBB," explains association chairman Johann Maszl. "After all, we haven't worked for 27 years for it to suddenly end after us!"

Top-class ensemble for summer theater
This year, "Unverhofft" by Johann Nepomuk Nestroy is on the program. Christian Spatzek is delighted to have put together a top-class team and speaks of Parndorf as his "fixed star" of the year. Greats such as Georg Kusztrich, Dorothea Parton and Stephan Paryla-Raky will be on stage with him from July 4. Over 17 evenings, the play takes guests into a world full of unexpected twists and turns, intrigue and, of course, love.

Johann Maszl and Christian Spatzek (right) are looking forward to a good festival season. The premiere is on July 4. (Bild: Charlotte Titz)
Johann Maszl and Christian Spatzek (right) are looking forward to a good festival season. The premiere is on July 4.

Ticket sales have got off to a good start, but the pre-corona level is still a long way off. All the more reason to hope for a good season this year. If the weather is fine, the play will take place on the church square, in bad weather in the school. Tickets at Oeticket and at the KBB.

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