Start of training

Fresh wind at the start of the season for Liefering

26.06.2024 21:15

The second division team completed their first training session of the new season yesterday. Coach Daniel Beichler wants to form a good unit in the coming weeks. The squad currently comprises around 30 players, but will be reduced in size.

"Dynamism!" That's what Liefering coach Daniel Beichler demanded of the boys several times at the start of training. In the exactly 90-minute session, the coach demanded a lot from the players. "Three and a half weeks without soccer is enough time to switch off, now we're looking forward to getting going again," said the Styrian, full of energy ahead of the new second division season.

As is well known, the 35-year-old was interim coach in the spring and led the young bulls to first place in the second half of the season. However, a lot has changed with the new season: "In preparation, it will be important - because it is a new squad - that we quickly manage to form a good unit and play good soccer."

There were many new faces at the first training session, with almost 30 players running around the pitch at the academy. "Something will happen. The squad will be smaller for the start of the championship," promises the head coach. Especially as talented Zeteny Jano was still missing due to national team appearances. Instead, another hope for the future will at least take part in the preparations with four test matches and a three-day training camp in Maria Alm: Kenneth. The 17-year-old was part of Austria's U17 team at the European Championships at the end of May. The striker also contributed four goals.

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