Syrian with stab wounds

CID puzzled after bloody attack at Mirabell Gardens

27.06.2024 06:00

A man lies bleeding on the ground near Mirabell Gardens. By chance, officers discover him and call the ambulance. What happened? Completely unclear. But an investigation is underway on suspicion of attempted murder.

What happened shortly after midnight on Tuesday night at the world-famous Mirabell Gardens in Salzburg? This question is occupying the investigators. The only fact is that a Syrian man (45) was lying on the ground with several stab wounds - specifically in the Schwarzstraße area between the Protestant church and one of the many entrances to Mirabell Gardens. According to information from "Krone", police officers found the seriously injured man - by chance during a patrol.

Weapon and nature of the stab wounds unclear
After being informed by the officers, the ambulance rushed to the scene and immediately took the injured 45-year-old to hospital. "There is no danger to life", according to the police.

Police cordon at the Mirabell Gardens (Bild: Tschepp Markus)
Police cordon at the Mirabell Gardens

However, no information is being given about the facts of the case: on the one hand for tactical reasons, so that the still unknown perpetrators remain unaware of the state of the investigation, but also because there are no witnesses or evidence of the crime. It is unlikely that anyone saw the crime, so the police did not even receive an emergency call. Initial questioning of the victim also failed to produce any conclusive evidence. Just as mysterious: the possible murder weapon. The police are currently only talking about a "sharp object". There is also no definite information about the number and severity of the stab wounds.

However, the investigation into the suspected attempted murder is ongoing. The police are also asking for any information: 059 133 50 3333 or at any police station.

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