Sentences a "disgrace"

Attack on brothers: family demands justice

26.06.2024 20:02

Ever since gunshots ripped through Floridsdorfer Floridusgasse on October 7 last year, life for the M. family has never been the same again. The psychological consequences of the bloody deed continue. Now the perpetrators have also received very lenient sentences. "A disgrace", according to the victim's family.

The meeting with the family that almost took the lives of the brothers of A. M. (name known to the editors) was involuntary. This is what the younger sister of the three men told the "Krone".

On October 7, 2023, one of her brothers was insulted and provoked by members of another Floridsdorf family during a martial arts event in the Stadthalle, whereupon a brawl (of which there is also a video) ensued. Her brother only fought back against a group of men, according to A. This resulted in the opponents being thrown out. "Her honor and pride were probably somehow hurt by this," says the young woman in an interview with the "Krone".

Heavily armored police searched for the fleeing gunmen. (Bild: DOKU-NÖ)
Heavily armored police searched for the fleeing gunmen.

"It's not true that there was a debate"
A defamation that was to have terrible consequences. On the same evening, at around 8 p.m., the head of the other family, a 54-year-old man and his three sons, allegedly drove up to Floridusgasse in two cars, according to the 11-member victim family. "It's simply not true that there was an argument, as they claim," says the 24-year-old.

Contrary to the descriptions given by the opponents in court, the perpetrators are said to have entered the street without comment and opened fire.

Blue lights everywhere: in the background is the dung heap, in front of which one of A.'s brothers lay on the ground covered in blood. (Bild: Jöchl Martin)
Blue lights everywhere: in the background is the dung heap, in front of which one of A.'s brothers lay on the ground covered in blood.

Projectile shot next to heart, stomach and intestines
The consequences were dramatic. A 28-year-old was hit by a bullet just four millimetres from the heart and was in intensive care for weeks. His younger brother (23) apparently only wanted to separate the quarrellers and was brutally attacked with a knife. The third brother (27), who was just on his way home after training with his friend, was shot through the stomach and intestines. The uninvolved friend was also seriously injured and underwent surgery, says A. M.

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Isn't it enough that my brothers were attacked with weapons? Does one of my brothers have to lie in the dung heap in the street like dirt for action to be taken? Where is this attack self-defense?

Die Schwester der Opfer beim Treffen mit der „Krone“

"Suffering from psychological consequences to this day"
The rest of the family, including small children, witnessed the drama first hand. Even A., who was on the street herself and looked after her brothers who were fighting for their lives. "We are still suffering from the psychological consequences to this day - it was attempted murder and I'm sure all Austrians see it that way too," she emphasized during a visit to the "Krone".

Everyone can imagine how the parents of the three people who were shot are feeling. One reason why only the young woman was available for a photo session: "Some of my siblings can't even go to school because they're too unwell."

Not easy: A. M. returned to the place where her own brother almost bled to death for the "Krone". (Bild: Groh Klemens)
Not easy: A. M. returned to the place where her own brother almost bled to death for the "Krone".

Lenient sentences for most of those involved
Conclusion is not possible, especially after the (not legally binding) verdict on Monday. The father (54), who is considered the mastermind behind the shooting, was reportedly sentenced to five years for intentional grievous bodily harm, one son (22) to seven years, one (29) to three years partially suspended and another (25) to five months suspended for brawling.

The M. family does not want to accept the fact that there is no longer any trace of attempted murder in the sentences. "We are demanding a new verdict. We won't give up because it's about more than just justice," emphasizes the 24-year-old.

"Perpetrators grin in our faces on the street"
The fact that her family is still alive is a miracle. Now they are disappointed in the Austrian state for treating victims in this way. The M. family lives just a few minutes away from their tormentors. A few days ago, A. says, she was sneered at in the street by a member of that family - one of whom has already been arrested.

Another punch in the gut for those who now want to defend themselves against the justice system.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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