Officer injured

Drunken rioter attacked the emergency services

27.06.2024 07:08

"Get lost!" A man angrily tried to drive the police and fire department away from the scene of an accident after his girlfriend's drunk driving crash. One officer had to be treated in hospital.

The ÖAMTC warns that the number of alcohol-related accidents rises sharply every year from June to August. Just last Monday after 8 p.m., wild scenes took place on the B63 between Riedlingsdorf and Pinkafeld.

Drunk driver
After an accident, a female driver (18) and her companion sat crumpled on the side of the road. Both were hanging their heads, but were uninjured, as witnesses reported. The dented car, which was blocking the road, had apparently crashed into the crash barrier. The driver from the Oberwart district had well over a blood alcohol level, which was only discovered later.

Friend heavily intoxicated
The drunk woman's boyfriend burst into the middle of the scene when patrol officers were already on the scene reconstructing the accident. He got out of a car parked on the verge as a passenger - naked torso, wounds on his face. The 23-year-old appeared to be heavily intoxicated. The atmosphere was immediately tense.

Attack with two clenched fists
"Fire brigade get out!" The entire rage of the alcoholic driver's violent boyfriend was directed at the emergency services. The rioter wanted to salvage the wreckage himself. When the police officers tried to calm him down, he attacked an officer with clenched fists. "Get lost," the attacker shouted. He was overpowered and led away in handcuffs. The officer who was attacked suffered injuries during the defense - and was treated in hospital.

The list of charges submitted to the public prosecutor's office in Eisenstadt is long: Resistance to public authority, dangerous threats, assault on an officer, grievous bodily harm and negligent bodily harm in road traffic.

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read the original article here.

Christian Schulter
Christian Schulter
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