Investment in the millions

First steps in fiber optic expansion

27.06.2024 08:00

illwerke "vkw" is providing around 340 million euros for the expansion over the next few years.

The planned expansion of the fiber optic network was discussed by the members of the provincial parliament's Economic Affairs Committee on Wednesday. Experts from the provincial parliament and "illwerke-vkw" CEO Christoph Germann informed the MPs about the current status of the network strategy and the provincial company's decision to invest around EUR 340 million in the expansion of the fiber optic network over the next ten years. Particular attention will be paid to the Montafon, Bregenzerwald, Klostertal, Großes Walsertal and Leiblach and Brandnertal valleys. Around two thirds of all buildings in these valleys will thus have the opportunity to be connected to the "data highway". Monika Vonier, ÖVP spokesperson for digitalization and the economy, believes that illwerke-vkw as a company is predestined for the expansion of fiber optics. "The energy supplier builds more than 100 kilometers of cable networks for energy applications every year. This is a win-win situation for everyone."

The SPÖ MPs do not dispute this at all. However, they would have liked their motion to be implemented. Even before the Reds tabled their motion on the expansion of fiber optics at the beginning of May, they had met with experts from Liechtenstein. The neighboring country is considered an international role model, as almost every alpine pasture there now has access to the fiber optic network. "Inspired by the best practice example in Liechtenstein, our proposal is based on two pillars. Firstly, a basic network should be guaranteed so that all homes can be connected - in the valleys as well as in the towns and larger municipalities," explained SPÖ club leader Manuela Auer. Secondly, the basic network should be installed by a company such as Illwerke and then also be open to other providers.

No plan for expansion in the metropolitan areas
After the expansion of the fiber optic network had been overslept for a long time - the regulatory authority had also found "little activity" - it was time to not just limit the expansion to the valleys. "The conurbations are being left out - and that in a region where a fast connection would be economically important."

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