Delayed European Championship exit

Portugal’s embarrassment costs Hungary a place in the last 16

27.06.2024 08:21

After the last group matches of the European Championship on Wednesday evening, the picture of the third-placed team is now clear. Due to Portugal's embarrassment, Hungary suffered a late exit.

Finally, debutants Georgia secured their last round of 16 tickets via the "side track" thanks to their surprising 2:0 win over Portugal in Group F and Slovakia in the tight Group E. In addition to the top two from each group, the four best third-placed teams from the six pools will also progress to the knockout phase.

Hungary slipped out of the group of the four best third-placed teams after the final results and three days after their last group match. The Netherlands, Georgia, Slovakia and Slovenia will join them there at the end.

The ranking of the third-placed teams after the European Championship group stage:

1st Netherlands (Group D) 3 4:4 0 4 +
2. Georgia (Group F) 3 4:4 0 4 +
3rd Slovakia (Group E) 3 3:3 0 4
4th Slovenia (Group C) 3 2:2 0 3
5. Hungary (Group A) 3 2:5 -3 3
6. Croatia (Group B) 3 3:6 -3 2

+ = Decision based on the fair play ranking: Netherlands with 2 points, Georgia with 6 points

The following criteria are used to determine the ranking of the best third-placed teams in the group:

- higher number of points

- better goal difference

- more goals scored

- higher number of wins

- lower number of points in the fair play ranking (three points each for red and yellow-red cards, one point for yellow cards)

- position in the UEFA rankings for the European Championship qualifiers

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read the original article here.

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