General failed

Coup in Bolivia: ex-military chief arrested

27.06.2024 06:57

In Bolivia, the leader of an attempted coup against the government, General Juan Jose Zuniga, has been arrested by the Bolivian authorities. Zuniga had only recently been removed from his post as commander of the military.

Military units under his command had gathered on Wednesday evening with armored vehicles in the central Plaza Murillo square in La Paz, where the presidential palace and the congress are located.

According to eyewitnesses, they allegedly rammed a door of the presidential palace. Several soldiers then allegedly stormed into the building. According to Interior Minister Eduardo del Castillo, nine people were injured.

New army chief already sworn in
In the presidential palace itself, the new military commander, José Wilson Sanchez, has just been sworn in. He called for the restoration of peace and order. "I order all forces mobilized on the streets to return to their units," said Sanchez, adding: "We ask that the blood of our soldiers not be spilled." According to eyewitnesses, the military apparently followed Sanchez's request. They withdrew and the police took back control of the square.

President Luis Arce condemned the actions of former General Zuniga and the military units as an attempted coup against the government and immediately asked for international support. "Today the country is confronted with an attempted coup d'état. Today the country is once again confronted with interests that are curtailing democracy in Bolivia," said Arce. The Bolivian public prosecutor's office declared that it would launch a criminal investigation against Zuniga and others involved.

Tensions in Bolivia
Heads of state and government in the region condemned the soldiers' actions in initial reactions. There was also criticism from top representatives of the EU.

Tensions in Bolivia have intensified in the run-up to the parliamentary elections in 2025. Left-wing ex-president Evo Morales is planning to run against his former ally Arce, leading to a deep rift in the ruling socialist party and greater political uncertainty.

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