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A big reception awaits Sabitzer instead of whistles

27.06.2024 07:05

Ice-cold when scoring and celebrating - Leipzig will make the round of 16 against Turkey even more special for Marcel Sabitzer. The "little" Schmid, however, proved to be a header monster.

Arms crossed, then wiped his upper arms twice. Cooler than ice. Marcel Sabitzer himself didn't know what his goal celebration was supposed to mean: "But I scored it ice-cold, so I think it went well." Especially as he then also sent a "little heart" for his family

Marcel Sabitzer's jubilation after his golden goal (Bild: AFP/APA/Ronny HARTMANN)
Marcel Sabitzer's jubilation after his golden goal

The 30-year-old was ice-cold when he scored the golden goal to make it 3:2. He looked up briefly, didn't find a teammate and then shot from an acute angle. "My left foot has rarely let me down," said Sabitzer coolly. But of course the MVP enjoyed the moment as a celebrated hero, even though he said: "I'm proud of the team, they give me support, confidence, then I can play freely. I'm really keen to play here, I want to stay here for a long time, I enjoy every day with the team."

In all positions
Especially as losing the Champions League final with Dortmund took its toll on him: "I had to recharge my batteries after that." But the mentality of the ÖFB team also carried him - and vice versa: "When things get tough, we give ourselves a quick shake and just keep going." Lothar Matthäus made him smile when he enthused: "Sabitzer can play all positions - and at the same time." It's not quite like that. "But I get around with my willingness to run, I feel comfortable in every position."

Even in every stadium - but the round of 16 against Turkey will be special for him. Sabitzer played in Leipzig for six years: "The last receptions were always negative, I was booed. I don't know why, I gave my best performance there. That really affected me." But on Tuesday, Sabitzer will not return as a Bayern or Dortmund player, but as the ÖFB captain. "There will be a lot of Austrians there, this time it will be more positive."

By one centimeter
Romano Schmid also caused a stir with his 2:1. "It was only my second headed goal," laughed the 1.68-meter-tall whirlwind. Only Hungary's Callum Styles is shorter (by one centimeter) than Schmid, France's N'Golo Kanté and Stanislav Lobotka (Slovakia) at the EURO. But Schmid comes out big. "Maybe I should go into the box more often for corners," joked the 24-year-old. "I've shown that I'm there when I'm needed."

Romano Schmid scored with his head. (Bild: AP ( via APA) Austria Presse Agentur/ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Romano Schmid scored with his head.

The only downer: his family can only support Schmid from afar. His second son Emilio was only born three and a half weeks ago. "As a dad, I'm sad that I can't get to know him in the early stages. But I'll make up for that. The EURO is only just beginning."

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