Was 90 years old

Mourning for Bill Cobbs: “Bodyguard” star dies

27.06.2024 07:23

Mourning for Bill Cobbs: The actor, who was best known for his roles in "Night at the Museum" and "Bodyguard" or from series such as "The Sopranos" or "Six Feet Under", died on Tuesday at the age of 90 at his home in Riverside, California.

Cobb's spokesman Chuck Jones confirmed the star's death to "TMZ". In a statement published on Facebook, Bill's brother Thomas Cobbs also wrote on behalf of his family: "Bill passed away peacefully at his home in California."

Started his acting career late in life
He continued: "A beloved partner, big brother, uncle, surrogate parent, godfather and friend, Bill recently and happily celebrated his 90th birthday surrounded by loved ones. As a family, we are comforted to know that Bill has found peace and eternal rest with his Father in heaven. We ask for your prayers and encouragement at this time."

Cobbs was born June 16, 1934, in Cleveland, Ohio, and held several jobs before eventually embarking on an acting career. He served in the US Air Force for eight years as a radar technician before working for IBM and as a car salesman.

Bill Cobbs with Mickey Rooney and Dick van Dyke in "Night at the Museum" (Bild: picturedesk.com/mptv)
Bill Cobbs with Mickey Rooney and Dick van Dyke in "Night at the Museum"

It was not until 1970, at the age of 36, that he moved to New York to work on stage and for the screen. Cobbs made his film debut in 1974 with a brief appearance in the crime drama "The Taking of Pelham One Two Three".

Iconic role in "Bodyguard"
He worked steadily in the 1980s and landed the eye-catching role of Whitney Houston's manager in the romantic drama "Bodyguard" in 1992.

In 1994, the Coen brothers cast Cobbs as Moses in "Hudsucker", a central character whose mystical ability to stop time comes to the aid of Tim Robbins' Norville Barnes. In 1996, Cobbs played a jazz pianist in Tom Hanks' "That Thing You Do!" and in 1997, the actor was the coach in "Air Bud" who decided to take a basketball-playing dog onto his team.

In front of the camera until old age
Cobbs worked into old age and played the central role of retired security guard Reginald in "Night at the Museum" in 2006. He also returned in 2014 for the sequel.

Cobbs won an Emmy in the "Outstanding Limited Performance in a Daytime Program" category in 2020 after appearing in the children's show "Dino Dana".

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