A busy night

Klagenfurt police had to arrest two rioters

27.06.2024 08:23

Klagenfurt police had to deploy twice on Thursday night to arrest two heavily intoxicated men. The officers even found a blank-firing pistol.

Shortly after 10.30 p.m., the Klagenfurt police received an emergency call. A 30-year-old man says on the phone that two men are harassing him and want to take his rucksack. A patrol immediately sets off to help the man from Klagenfurt. But when the officers arrive, it turns out that the 30-year-old is not the victim at all, but the perpetrator. "He stopped the two men and begged for tobacco for a cigarette", according to the Carinthia Provincial Police Directorate.

Weapon discovered in rucksack
During the search of the 30-year-old, the police then found a blank-firing weapon, which the man from Klagenfurt was not allowed to possess due to a ban on weapons.

And during the entire operation, the Klagenfurt man became increasingly aggressive, so that the officers finally arrested the 30-year-old and took him to the police detention center.

But this was not to be the last operation for the Klagenfurt police that night.

Loud music leads to arrest
Just a few hours later, the police received another call. Shortly after midnight, music was still playing loudly from an apartment in Klagenfurt. "When we arrived at the scene, there was no music to be heard. The officers rang the bell at the apartment, whereupon a visibly drunk and annoyed 44-year-old man opened the door," said the police.

And as the officers made their way towards the police car, the man from Klagenfurt turned up the music again. The officers immediately rush to the 44-year-old's apartment again, who goes completely crazy when the door is opened and lashes out at the officers.

The handcuffs also click for the 44-year-old from Klagenfurt, albeit only briefly. After the heavily intoxicated man had calmed down again, the officers were able to lift the arrest. But the 44-year-old must expect to be charged.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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