Hilton abused

“Was stripped naked & put in solitary confinement”

27.06.2024 08:27

Paris Hilton goes to Washington. The Hollywood blonde was summoned to testify as a star witness before a congressional investigative committee on Wednesday. There, the 43-year-old spoke about her traumatic experiences at Utah's Provo Canyon School, a boarding school for troubled teenagers.

Wearing a light blue, conservative dress with a white collar, the hotel heiress began with: "I know from my personal experience how much damage can be done when you end up in such a closed youth institution."

"Was sexually abused"
Hilton described on the witness stand in front of the interested MPs from both parties how she was "snatched" from her own bed at the age of 16 and transported to Utah because of her rebellious behavior.

Paris Hilton spoke to the US Congress about the horror she experienced at boarding school. (Bild: APA/Getty Images via AFP/GETTY IMAGES/Samuel Corum)
Paris Hilton spoke to the US Congress about the horror she experienced at boarding school.

A nightmare awaited her there: "These programs promise healing, support and growth. Instead, I was not allowed to talk, move freely or even look out the window for two years. I was force-fed medication and sexually abused by staff at the boarding school!"

"Stripped naked and put in a solitary cell"
Paris then had to swallow her emotions for a moment and continued: "I was forcibly restrained and dragged down the corridors before they stripped me naked and put me in a solitary cell."

Hilton explained that she had been drugged and sexually abused. (Bild: APA/AFP/Jim WATSON)
Hilton explained that she had been drugged and sexually abused.

As in the past, Paris did not blame her parents Rick and Kathy Hilton for sending her to the boarding school: "They were tricked and manipulated. Many children in these institutions don't even have parents who check whether they are doing well. As a mother of two, it breaks my heart that these children are treated like criminals."

Hilton hopes for new laws
Hilton hopes that Congress will pass new laws to better protect children and young people from abuse by institutions like her old boarding school in the future.

Hilton had suppressed the traumatic events of her youth for years until she went public with them in her podcast in 2020. Initially, she only revealed that she was physically and emotionally abused at Provo Canyon School.

Paris Hilton hopes for new laws against the abuse of children and young people by institutions like her old boarding school. (Bild: APA/AFP/Jim WATSON)
Paris Hilton hopes for new laws against the abuse of children and young people by institutions like her old boarding school.

Hilton described terrible abuse
Two years later, she followed up in an interview with the New York Times and also revealed the sexual abuse against her: "Around three in the morning, I and a few other girls were taken to a room where they were supposed to conduct medical examinations." Hilton and the other girls were forced to lie down on a table: "Then they stuck their fingers inside us. I didn't know what they were doing, just that they weren't doctors, they were just staff. I was so scared."

Hilton then provided further details on Twitter: "Completely overtired and heavily medicated, I didn't understand what was happening to me. I lay on this padded table, had to spread my legs and endure a gynecological exam. I cried when they held me down and said no. They just said: 'Shut up, be quiet. Stop resisting or you're going to the cell'."

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read the original article here.

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