Also in the amateur sector

Artificial intelligence gets its kicks

01.07.2024 14:00

From video assistants who are called in to help with tricky decisions to high-tech analysis - soccer is showing its digital side at the European Championships currently taking place in Germany. Three Mühlviertel-based companies are making much of this possible for amateur clubs. What's behind zone14.

Was there a handball before the Dutch made it 2:2? Was the situation surrounding Austria's supposed 4-2 goal offside or not? The video assistant was used twice in the ÖFB team's final group game at the European Championship in Germany. Even if there is some criticism, it is proof that soccer has long been on the ball when it comes to technological progress...

Now part of professional soccer: The referee studying the video during the match. (Bild: AFP)
Now part of professional soccer: The referee studying the video during the match.

"Data and analysis are playing an increasingly important role in the modern world of soccer," say Simon Schmiderer, Lukas Grömer and Tobias Gahleitner. The Mühlviertel natives are the founders of zone14, a video analysis system based on artificial intelligence. "We bring statistics like those from the Champions League to every soccer pitch in Austria," they say.

Software trained with more than 2400 match recordings
In 2021, Schmiderer, Grömer and Gahleitner set out on a mission to completely automate data collection for amateur matches. The first all-in-one solution was trained with the help of more than 2,400 match recordings.

"Coaching teams can now make even more qualified decisions and the performance of each player can be measured objectively," say the zone14 founders, who equip the clubs with their software and two 4K cameras. More than 65 clubs in five countries already rely on the expertise of the soccer video analysis specialist.

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