Only a matter of time

Horner realizes: penalty for Max “unavoidable”

27.06.2024 08:49

It is only a matter of time before Max Verstappen has to accept a penalty. The three-time world champion had already started with the fourth engine in Barcelona, and the Dutchman will go to the back of the grid on the fifth.

"We have to see how we can best solve this, but it is inevitable that sooner or later we will have to install another engine and accept a penalty," says Red Bull team boss Christian Horner.

Next stop: Spielberg (Bild: Pail Sepp)
Next stop: Spielberg

Not even half-time yet
There are 24 races on this year's Formula 1 calendar, so with ten Grand Prix races completed, the chances of Verstappen making it through to Abu Dhabi with his current drive unit are almost zero percent.

The 26-year-old has already accepted penalties in the past two years, having been relegated to the back of the grid at Spa-Francorchamps, as the chances of catching up at the Belgian circuit are greater than at most other tracks. In 2022, Verstappen raced to victory from 14th on the grid, and the following year he triumphed from sixth on the grid. The Belgian Grand Prix takes place on July 28, and the championship leader still has three stops to master with his current engine before then. A race against time begins ...

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