Chasing gold in the park

Beach hit in Baden – a lot is new for the anniversary!

27.06.2024 09:00

Let's go! The beach volleyball classic is back in Baden until Sunday. On Thursday the women and on Friday the men start the main competition of the World Tour Futures. Austria's duos will each be aiming for the title at the 20th edition of the tournament in Weilburgpark.

The center court is under historic trees instead of the lido, offering space for a good 700 fans and VIPs - and there are also many things different for the top domestic teams at Weilburgpark in Baden this time.

Big (team) crowd at the press conference. (Bild: © Rainer Mirau)
Big (team) crowd at the press conference.

Due to the Olympics or injuries, the field of participants for the World Tour Futures has changed considerably - Philipp Waller, victorious here in 2023 with Martin Ermacora, will be playing with Laurenz Leitner from Friday. "I didn't want to miss out on Baden, I can adapt quickly," said Phil, while Laurenz said: "We want to tear the world down here."

Philipp Waller (middle) with Laurenz Leitner and organizer Dominik Gschiegl. (Bild: © Rainer Mirau)
Philipp Waller (middle) with Laurenz Leitner and organizer Dominik Gschiegl.

Moritz Pristauz and Robin Seidl would also like that. "First a pulled abdominal muscle, then a torn meniscus - that means a six to eight-week break for me," revealed "Mo", whose partner is suffering from quadriceps problems.

Baden's record participant and winner Alex Horst with Julian Hörl? "We had to cancel with a heavy heart, we're in full build-up for the Olympics," said Horst. "But I'll be there with the kids every day." Alessa and Fabio recently delighted their dad on the Danube Island with gold and fourth place at Vienna's U15 Championships.

ÖVV top star Alex Horst is missing, is in Olympic form with Julian Hörl. (Bild: Gert NEPEL)
ÖVV top star Alex Horst is missing, is in Olympic form with Julian Hörl.

In the women's event, the Klinger sisters, who won in Baden in 2023, are also out, Ronja's suffering recently began with bronchitis. As a result, Kathi Schützenhöfer and Lena Plesiutschnig will be the number 1 from Thursday, and the two of them will be gunning for the title. "We want to be right at the top. We're really looking forward to the tournament, we love it here. When you look at the center court, you can already tell: It's going to be awesome again!"

Full of energy and hot for gold: Kathi Schützenhöfer and Lena Plesiutschnig. (Bild: © Rainer Mirau)
Full of energy and hot for gold: Kathi Schützenhöfer and Lena Plesiutschnig.

Organizer Dominik Gschiegl from HSG-Events was certainly happy to hear that: "I'm incredibly pleased that we're having this tournament again. We almost had to cancel it. The economic conditions are incredibly difficult. But thanks to very loyal sponsors, including Sportland Niederösterreich, Hypo Noe, the Lower Austrian Chamber of Labor, Niederösterreich Versicherung and the City of Baden, we have managed to pull off this 20th anniversary edition."

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