Summer Games

SOKO Kleist in action at Perchtoldsdorf Castle

27.06.2024 09:44

From today, the summer plays in front of the castle are dedicated to the tragicomedy "Amphitryon". The two former TV detectives Jakob Seeböck and Gregor Seberg are putting on a classic performance.

"Now that I have the honor of playing two roles, Amphitryon and Jupiter, I'm slowly losing track of who I am," says Jakob Seeböck. This year in Perchtoldsdorf, Kleist's play from 1803 will be performed, in which Jupiter comes to earth and lies down in Alkmene's bed in the form of Amphitryon. When the real Amphitryon returns from the war, his wife tells him about a supposed night of love with him.

A game about identities, truth and self-knowledge
Mercury also faces the servant Sosias, both played by Gregor Seberg, as a double. Kleist develops a game about identities, truth and self-knowledge. "Getting to know oneself and, above all, coming to terms with oneself" is the focus in Perchtoldsdorf, according to Seeböck. "Amphitryon" is also relevant for Seberg insofar as "we are told on TikTok or by influencers that we have to optimize ourselves. When I see young people taking selfies and editing them, it's very weird. You can never live up to that. You then have to explain on a date: That's not me."

Jakob Seeböck and Larissa Fuchs. (Bild: Lalo Jodlbauer)
Jakob Seeböck and Larissa Fuchs.
Atmospheric stage design for "Amphitryion". (Bild: Lalo Jodlbauer)
Atmospheric stage design for "Amphitryion".
Jakob Seeböck and Larissa Fuchs. (Bild: Lalo Jodlbauer)
Jakob Seeböck and Larissa Fuchs.
The two ex-SOKO stars Jakob Seeböck and Gregor Seberg. (Bild: Lalo Jodlbauer)
The two ex-SOKO stars Jakob Seeböck and Gregor Seberg.

How much fun is there in the tragicomedy? Seberg: "I cheekily said that the only person who found it funny was Kleist. There are two levels. Those at the top are deadly serious in their negotiations. In the people, with Sosias, the humor is already running."

Both a curse and a blessing
Speaking of identities: Seeböck was a detective in "SOKO Kitzbühel", Seberg in "SOKO Vienna". How much does a role like that burn itself into an actor's life? "It's both a curse and a blessing," says Seeböck: "You have to show that you can do more. Luckily, Gregor and I shot 'School of Champions' with completely different characters." His colleague takes a relaxed view: "I didn't get Dr. Brinkmann syndrome and didn't think for a second that I had executive power."

The woman at the center
How does Alexander Paul Kubelka stage the ending? Jupiter is recognized, Amphitryon asks him to make amends by fathering a hero with Alkmene. "These are themes that can no longer be presented in this way today. For us, the focus is on the woman," says Seeböck. And Seberg also finds no explanation for "men who decide to have a child over a woman's head. Luckily I'm not playing Amphitryon, otherwise I would still be discussing cutting the ending."

The play runs until July 27, all information can be found here.

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