USA: "Cannon fodder"

North Korea wants to send soldiers to Ukraine

27.06.2024 09:29

Following his state visit to North Korea, Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin is to receive help from the isolated country in his war of aggression in Ukraine: Dictator Kim Jong Un is likely to send soldiers to areas occupied by Russia as early as July.

During the state visit, Kim assured the Kremlin leader of "unconditional support" for the military operation in Ukraine. Russia is apparently set to receive this soon. As the news agency Reuters reported, citing the South Korean TV station Chosun, North Korean troops are to be deployed to Ukraine as early as July.

North Korea staged the Russian president's state visit in June with great fanfare - now it apparently also wants to send mercenaries to Ukraine. (Bild: AP)
North Korea staged the Russian president's state visit in June with great fanfare - now it apparently also wants to send mercenaries to Ukraine.

According to the report, these are men who are already stationed abroad. As construction workers, they have to earn foreign currency for the isolated country, which is subject to strict sanctions. Now they are to support the Russian invasion as construction and engineering troops in occupied territories.

Pictures of the elaborately staged state visit:

USA warns: "Cannon fodder for illegal war"
However, the USA fears that North Korea could also deploy combat units. A Pentagon spokesman warned against such a move: North Korean soldiers would only be used as cannon fodder for the Russian regime, explained General Pat Ryder at a press conference on Tuesday. "If I were the personnel management of the North Korean army, I would question my decision to send my troops as cannon fodder in an illegal war against Ukraine. And we've seen the kind of casualties that the Russian forces have suffered," the Pentagon said.

North Korea and Russia conclude military pact
During Putin's state visit in mid-June, the two statesmen demonstrated their solidarity. The two countries subsequently signed a treaty pledging "mutual assistance in the event of aggression". "Should either side be put into a state of war by an armed invasion of a single state or several states, the other side will immediately provide military and other assistance by all means at its disposal," the agreement states.

North Korea has almost as many soldiers as the USA
So far, Russia has only been supported by North Korea with arms deliveries. For example,artillery ammunition, missiles for Russian multiple rocket launchers and even ballistic missiles are said to have been delivered to the Kremlin. However, the deployment of mercenaries would be a new level of escalation. According to an estimate by the specialist magazine "Global Firepower", North Korea currently has around 1,320,000 soldiers - a figure that puts it just behind the USA with 1,328,000 soldiers. In terms of military strength, however, it is said to be far behind other countries. North Korea is only ranked 36th in the world.

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