Outing with daughters

Cow attack: Woman (40) died on her own birthday

27.06.2024 11:20

Following the fatal attack by a herd of cows on a 40-year-old woman in front of her daughters, the police are now looking for witnesses who can help clarify the circumstances of the accident. It has since become known that the mother of two daughters died on her own birthday.

After the fatal cow attack on Wednesday, the dismay in Bad Hofgastein in Salzburg's Pongau region is still great the day after. The 40-year-old local woman was hiking with her two daughters (aged 20 and 23) and two small dogs in the Schlossalm area on her birthday that afternoon when they were attacked by the animals.

The two daughters managed to get out of the herd to safety despite their injuries. They suffered a shock.

Symbolic image (Bild: Manuel Schwaiger)
Symbolic image

Only a helicopter was able to drive the herd away
According to the police, the younger of the two quickly informed the emergency services. A mountain rescuer and staff from the mountain railroads were quickly on site. However, it took the pilot of the rescue helicopter that was alerted to drive the herd of cows away. Despite immediate resuscitation measures, the 40-year-old woman succumbed to her serious injuries at the scene.

The two daughters were taken to Schwarzach Hospital by rescue helicopter.

Be careful with dogs

The Salzburg Mountain Rescue Service points out the dangers when hikers have dogs with them on alpine pastures: "Particular caution is required when not only mother cows but also young calves are on the alpine pastures. Cows have a strong maternal instinct and will defend their calves."

However, young animals are very curious and playful and often actively approach hikers and dogs. It is therefore important to walk slowly, keep an eye on the mother cow and calmly talk to the cows and calves. However, hikers with dogs should generally keep their distance and take a detour.

"We are in the process of clarifying the exact course of the accident and are looking for witnesses who observed the accident," said police spokesman Hans Wolfgruber on Thursday. So far, the woman's daughters have only been questioned briefly. "We will only do this extensively when the situation allows."

It is currently assumed that the dogs - apparently a Maltese and a Havanese - were on a lead. "Otherwise they would probably have run away." Gerhard Kremser, district manager of Pongau Mountain Rescue, emphasized: "If at all possible, the dog should be let off the lead in the event of a sudden cow attack."

The dead woman was brought down to the valley by the mountain rescue team. It was initially unclear whether the dogs had also been injured. There was divergent information on this. Both dogs were initially taken to an animal shelter in Pinzgau.

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