"Gay mom 2024"

Minister drops the covers on stage

27.06.2024 11:16

You don't see something like this every day! Lubna Jaffery, minister in Norway, has stripped naked on stage. But there is a serious background behind the action.

On Tuesday evening, the Norwegian Minister of Culture and Gender Equality visited the talk show "Skeiv Preik", which is part of Oslo Pride. The 44-year-old received the "Gay Mom 2024" award

Thunderous applause
The politician posed proudly after the show with a bright pink bow and the golden inscription "Gay Mom". As a bonus, the politician then took off her clothes. Jaffery only wore two nipple covers under her top. The reaction in the hall was overwhelming - thunderous applause greeted her.

"Promoter of queers"
"I am very grateful to have been named Gay Mom, the main patron of queers, during Oslo Pride this year. This is a great honor," Jaffery wrote in a text message to the Norwegian online newspaper "Nettavisen". As a great supporter of queers, it is important to her that queers feel safe and free. "This was a small contribution," said Jaffery.

To explain: "Queer" is a collective term for anyone who does not feel they belong to the "heteronormative" majority society in terms of their sexual orientation or sexual identity. This could be people who are lesbian, gay, bi, transsexual, intersexual, genderqueer or non-binary, for example.

Incidentally, the term "gay mom" originally comes from the US and describes women who spend a lot of time in the gay scene or are committed to it.

"If you want to earn an award like this, you have to put yourself out there and not take yourself so seriously," said Jaffery, who has been Culture and Gender Equality Minister in her country for a year.

Positive reactions
Joakim Aadland, the head of Pride, told the newspaper "Dagbladet": "I think it's wonderful that we have a minister who goes 'all-in' and is not afraid to put herself forward a little. I've never experienced the applause she received in the ten years we've had Pride. So it's clear that the audience appreciated Lubna's stunt."

Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre was also completely fine with the fact that the Minister of Culture had chosen to show her breasts.

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read the original article here.

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