Slow Brewing

Win a brewery tour with beer tasting!

27.06.2024 11:31

Outstanding taste and a good feeling when enjoying. This is what beer specialties that have been awarded the Slow Brewing seal of approval stand for. Our "Krone kocht" subscribers have the chance to win brewery tours including beer tastings of Slow Brewing beers for up to 10 people! Find out how to take part here.

What is Slow Brewing? This important beer initiative appeals to beer connoisseurs throughout Europe who prefer special, outstanding beers of the best quality rather than an artificially created standard taste.

The toughest seal of quality for beer worldwide
Out of 7000 breweries across Europe, only 32 are certified as Slow Brewers - and there is a reason for this: it is the toughest seal of approval for beer in the world. Slow Brewing stands for the traditional, gentle production of beer, in which time is seen as a decisive factor for excellent taste.

(Bild: Anna Stöcher)

The Slow Brewing seal of approval was founded in 2011 with the aim of supporting the preservation of beer diversity and the promotion of beer quality.

The most important criteria for obtaining the seal of approval are

  • No brewing with increased original gravity
  • No subsequent dilution with water, known as 'high gravity brewing'
  • No accelerated fermentation and maturation processes as in mass production
Slow Brewing mastermind Dr. August Gresser. (Bild: Anna Stöcher)
Slow Brewing mastermind Dr. August Gresser.

The mastermind behind slow brewing is the brewer Dr. August Gresser. For the former master brewer of the Forst Brewery in South Tyrol, beer is both a science and a passion. The highest quality is close to his heart, which is why only the best beers and breweries pass the in-depth and extensive checks on the way to becoming a Slow Brewer.

The four Slow Brewers in Austria are

  1. Trumer Privatbrauerei in Salzburg
  2. Stiegl Brewery in Salzburg
  3. Hirt private brewery in Carinthia
  4. Braucommune in Freistadt, Upper Austria
(Bild: Krone KREATIV/Slow Brewing Institut; Trumer Brauerei; Stiegl Brauerei; Biercommune Freistadt; Privatbrauerei Hirt)

If you are now in the mood for an outstanding beer from Austria, as a "Krone kocht" subscriber you have the chance to win a brewery tour including beer tasting of Slow Brewing beers for up to 10 people at the four local Slow Brewer breweries (redeemable until 31.12.2024!).

All you have to do? Subscribe to our "Krone kocht" newsletter and answer one question correctly in the form below. We wish you good luck! You can read the conditions of participation HERE.

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