No petting zoo!
Out and about on the mountain pasture: the most important rules and tips
"On the mountain pasture, there's no sin" is a popular saying. But that's not quite true: there are rules on the alpine pasture that you should stick to if possible - if you don't want to get into trouble with animals, especially angry suckler cows.
A hike somewhere on a mountain pasture in Austria. Pure idyll, peace and quiet, the cows graze comfortably, only the ringing of their bells can be heard. Hundreds of thousands of animals are currently undergoing a "fresh cell cure" at lofty heights. But tens of thousands of hikers are also increasingly drawn to nature at the moment, drawn to the alpine pastures, true to the motto "In the mountains, that's where I like to be".
Unfortunately, however, incidents occur time and again. A recent attack by a herd of cows on a mother in Bad Hofgastein in Salzburg's Pongau region, in which the 40-year-old died, was particularly tragic.

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