Crazy act in the Czech Republic

Ukrainian man set off firecrackers in his wife’s vagina

27.06.2024 11:50

A man in the Czech Republic has been sentenced to 18 years' imprisonment with enhanced security for placing a firework in his then wife's vagina and setting it alight. The regional court in Pilsen found the Ukrainian guilty of attempted murder on Thursday.

The judges considered it proven that the man first tied up his wife from the Republic of Moldova with adhesive tape in September 2023 and then attacked her. The victim suffered extremely serious injuries when the firecracker exploded. The woman was bleeding heavily from wounds up to four centimeters deep. Emergency surgery by specialists at the university hospital in Pilsen saved her life.

Defendant spoke of an accident during erotic play
The convicted man must also leave the country for ten years after serving his sentence. He admitted in court that he had set off the firework, but according to the report, he spoke of an accident during an alleged erotic game. The woman, on the other hand, testified that she had often been beaten by her husband and had wanted to separate from him.

Perpetrator removed evidence before traveling to the hospital
Another incriminating factor for the convicted man was that he did not call the emergency services despite his wife's severe bleeding. He is said to have only taken her to hospital himself after he had removed evidence and cleaned the floor of traces of blood. The public prosecutor's office had demanded a higher sentence of 21 years in prison. The defense, however, pleaded guilty to assault. An appeal can be lodged against the verdict.

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