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“Embarrassment”: SPÖ wants new security strategy

27.06.2024 12:37

Three months before the National Council elections, there is still no new security strategy. At a press conference on Thursday, this prompted the SPÖ to call for speed and present its own proposals.

Deputy party leader Eva Maria Holzleitner pointed out that Russia was still defined as a strategic partner in the current strategy from 2013. Former top diplomat Wolfgang Petritsch sees this as an "embarrassment".

Coalition in disagreement
The security strategy has essentially been ready for months. However, the government is at loggerheads over the issue of energy security, especially when it comes to a fixed timetable for phasing out Russian gas. Petritsch, who was involved in the negotiations on behalf of SPÖ leader Andreas Babler, said he found it "small-minded" to let things fail because of this.

SPÖ deputy leader Eva Maria Holzleitner (Bild: APA/ALEX HALADA)
SPÖ deputy leader Eva Maria Holzleitner

"National situation center"
In terms of concrete proposals, SPÖ security spokesperson Robert Laimer argued that political responsibility for security policy should lie with the Federal Chancellery. A "national situation center" should also be established there. The SPÖ would also establish an extremism and terrorism defense center. Finally, Laimer insisted on an increase in personnel from the executive to the army to the judiciary. Among other things, the SPÖ wants 4000 more police officers.

The SPÖ wants the Federal Chancellery as a security center (Bild: APA/HELMUT FOHRINGER)
The SPÖ wants the Federal Chancellery as a security center

Petritsch presented his own proposals for a redistribution of responsibilities between the ministries relevant to security, apparently including the Foreign Ministry. In turn, a "Peace Promotion Act" should bring together all measures to ensure peace.

"Free rider" accusation
Petritsch also called for a conference on security and cooperation. This should be responsible for developing security policy concepts, which would also mean that Austria would no longer be accused of being a "free rider". Of course, the SPÖ continues to advocate the continuation of neutrality, as well as compulsory military service.

Shackles for violent offenders
Overall, Holzleitner insisted that the concept of security should be considered comprehensively. The top priority is to enable people to lead a self-determined life. Social security is also central to this. We want a democratic and tolerant society and a life without violence. This also requires a focus on women's safety. Holzleitner spoke out in favor of ankle bracelets for violent offenders, for example.

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