Mother was also a victim

“Ex” strangled and dog tortured – man arrested!

27.06.2024 12:42

The acts allegedly committed by an Austrian man in Vienna are abhorrent. The man is accused of strangling his ex-partner and torturing his dog. The 38-year-old is also suspected of injuring his mother and two hospital staff! He has now been arrested.

According to the Vienna police, the incidents are said to have occurred between May 16 and June 6. In mid-May, the man from Floridsdorf was banned from entering and approaching the house as well as a temporary weapons ban because he allegedly choked his "ex" during an argument.

French bulldog tortured
But that was not all: two days later, the 38-year-old allegedly shaved off the vibrissae of his French bulldog as well as parts of its fur. He was reported to the police on suspicion of cruelty to animals. The investigation also revealed that the animal had suddenly disappeared without a trace on May 27.

Get help!

The Vienna police are the point of contact for people who perceive violence or are themselves victims of violence. The police emergency number 133 can be called at any time. The crime prevention department of the Vienna State Office of Criminal Investigation also offers personal advice on the hotline 0800 216346

Further contacts:

  • Women's helpline: 0800 222 555
  • Vienna Intervention Center/Violence Protection Center: 0800 700 217
  • Emergency call for victims: 0800 112 112
  • Emergency call of the Association of Viennese Women's Shelters: 05 77 22

You would think that these incidents would have taught the man a lesson, but in June the 38-year-old's violent crimes became more frequent. On June 6, he allegedly injured his own mother in the face and was also banned from entering and approaching her.

Hospital staff injured with blows
Due to medical circumstances, the 38-year-old had also been in hospital since that day, where just four days later he also injured a member of staff in the abdominal area and a member of staff in the face area with blows.

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On the basis of an overall assessment of the circumstances, the arrest order against the 38-year-old was executed.

Polizeisprecher Mattias Schuster

Austrian is now in custody
"Due to an overall assessment of the circumstances, in particular because of the offenses already reported (violent crimes and animal cruelty), the apparent escalation in this regard and the probable risk of repetition, the arrest order was executed against the 38-year-old on 21.06.2024," explains police spokesman Mattias Schuster. The man is now in custody.

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