Schools & kindergartens

More money for childcare during the summer

27.06.2024 12:54

The summer vacations are just around the corner. However, many parents also need childcare for their little ones during the school holidays. Now, an additional 15 million euros are to flow from the municipal investment program for schools and kindergartens to ensure childcare during the summer.

The funding should not be confused with the 4.5 billion from the government package for childcare. The 15 million euros are being provided by the federal government on top, so to speak, from the funds of the municipalities, which are responsible for part of the school system. They are for all services in elementary education as well as school and out-of-school care for school-age children. In addition, 250 million euros have been reserved for the municipalities for the construction, expansion, maintenance and renovation of kindergartens and schools, which come from the municipal investment program. Half of this is earmarked for sustainable measures, the rest for maintenance, for example.

"For working parents, childcare during the vacations is often a huge issue. In order to create the best possible framework conditions, we are once again making significantly more money available to the municipalities," said Minister Susanne Raab to the "Krone". Above all, it is about the ongoing operation and remuneration of the necessary staff, for example in the after-school care centers. Inflation also affects educational institutions, which is to be compensated for with the 15 million euros.

Many parents pay for private childcare
If the public services are sufficient, this could also save parents from having to go to private providers. According to the AK study, an average of 415 euros per child is spent on childcare during the vacations. A small market niche has formed here (youth camps, etc.). A quarter of parents work from home to look after their children. Slightly more than half say that summer childcare is easy, but just under 40% find it difficult.

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read the original article here.

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