Upper Austria

Culture as a hub in “The new climate”

27.06.2024 13:15

The Upper Austrian Cultural Platform (KUPF) and the Province of Upper Austria are joining forces: the EXTRA special funding program is being advertised again and is thus entering its third round. We are looking for projects from all cultural sectors on the topic of "The New Climate".

"The climate, both in terms of the weather and the way we interact with each other, is something that concerns people in our country. Where, if not in culture, can the debate about this lead to future-oriented, creative solutions?" says LH Thomas Stelzer, explaining the theme. "The EXTRA25 special funding program is intended to stimulate the creative scene in the country to examine the climatic conditions in politics, economics, ecology and society."

LH Thomas Stelzer wants future-oriented topics in cultural funding (Bild: Horst Einöder/Flashpictures)
LH Thomas Stelzer wants future-oriented topics in cultural funding

EXTRA has already proven its worth in recent years and is now entering its third round. The funding call for projects from all disciplines is endowed with 100,000 euros and the process has been optimized.

Submissions by mid-September
Verena Humer, Deputy Managing Director of KUPF, welcomes the fact that the EXTRA funding pot is open to everyone, regardless of origin or nationality. She hopes for "politically courageous and contemporary submissions." The deadline for contemporary cultural projects is September 16.

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read the original article here.

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