Severe weather in Austria

Danger of flooding: Red warning level applies here!

27.06.2024 13:25

Risk of severe weather in Austria: Five federal states are currently on red alert. In Vorarlberg, for example, the rescue and fire department control center has already registered around 45 call-outs this morning.

According to official information from the emergency services, there was water in cellars and underground car parks in Vorarlberg and underpasses were full. In the meantime, however, the situation is calming down. The levels of the rivers and streams rose significantly for a short time and there were isolated minor landslides. The area around Feldkirch was particularly affected, where a thunderstorm cell unloaded with heavy showers.

As meteorologist Nikolas Zimmermann from the Austrian Severe Weather Center (UWZ) predicted early on Thursday, there will be showers and thunderstorms in many places on Thursday. The heaviest of these are expected to fall in the afternoon or early evening in the southern and eastern mountains.

Symbolic image (Bild: APA/GEORG HOCHMUTH)
Symbolic image

First road closures already near Graz
Thunderstorms were already moving through the south-east on Wednesday. There was also a risk of small-scale flooding and mudslides. In Styria, it started again in the early hours of Thursday morning: a large thunderstorm cell moved over the Styrian capital and once again brought a lot of rain with it. The first road closures were necessary due to flooding.

The UWZ also warned of large amounts of rain in Lower Austria and on the border with Styria and Burgenland. On Thursday evening, severe weather warnings were issued for Salzburg, Upper and Lower Austria, Burgenland and Styria. The early warning level applies to Vorarlberg and Tyrol. "Marked weather" was reported from Carinthia and Vienna.

But once Thursday is over, pupils from Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland in particular can look forward to a midsummer vacation start. From Friday onwards, the heat will steadily increase. Up to 35 degrees are expected by Sunday!

Summer weather has an expiration date
However, the short midsummer weather phase already has an expiration date in the form of a cold front, which will revive the tendency for showers and thunderstorms from the west over the course of Sunday. "While temperatures at Lake Neusiedl are expected to reach up to 34 degrees on Sunday, temperatures at Lake Constance will no longer exceed 23 degrees," says UBIMET meteorologist Roland Reiter.

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