Mail for Gewessler

Repair bonus leaves sports retailers out in the cold

27.06.2024 11:20

Sports retailers are allowed to sell, service and repair bicycles - but they are left out of the repair bonus. This annoys Intersport Austria boss Thorsten Schmitz, who recently wrote a letter to Federal Minister Leonore Gewessler together with the association and other retailers.

More than a million devices have already been repaired; there are 92 million euros in the funding pot for this year, 32 million euros for next year; from September there will be an extension to include normal bicycles - you might think that the latest information regarding the repair bonus would please Thorsten Schmitz. But far from it!

"The entire sports retail sector is being disadvantaged," says Thorsten Schmitz angrily. The Intersport Austria boss speaks of an "imbalance". (Bild: Wenzel Markus)
"The entire sports retail sector is being disadvantaged," says Thorsten Schmitz angrily. The Intersport Austria boss speaks of an "imbalance".

The Intersport Austria boss believes that the repair bonus should be repaired. "Although e-bikes are eligible according to the guidelines, customers cannot apply for the bonus at sports retailers," says an annoyed Schmitz.

Up to 200 euros in funding per repair

Second chance for electrical appliances is the motto of the repair bonus, which was introduced at the end of April 2022. The funding from the Ministry of Climate Protection allows private individuals to receive up to 200 euros per receipt for the repair of electrical and electronic appliances. Obtaining a cost estimate is also subsidized with up to 30 euros. Please note: Both only apply if consumers use the services of a participating partner company. The repair bonus can be applied for digitally at Which appliances are subsidized? This includes kitchen appliances, washing machines and coffee machines, as well as kettles, smartphones and computers. The purchase of a new appliance is generally excluded from the subsidy.

Why is that? "Although we are allowed to repair bicycles under secondary legislation and are therefore considered a workshop, we would have to register a new business for the repair bonus in order to be able to register as a partner business." This is because without registering the independent sub-trade of bicycle technology, sports retailers are denied access to the list of partner businesses.

A repair bonus can also be claimed for the repair of coffee machines. (Bild: Wenzel Markus)
A repair bonus can also be claimed for the repair of coffee machines.

The Association of Sports Retailers (VSSÖ) recently sent a letter to Federal Minister Leonore Gewessler.

The aim: a revision of the participation criteria - with the result that nothing has changed so far. At present, specialist bike retailers and bike repair shops still have priority.

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read the original article here.

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