Bachelor premiere

These are real professionals for our little ones

27.06.2024 18:00

For the first time in western Austria, 23 elementary school teachers have completed their Bachelor's degree. This will equip nursery and crèche managers in particular with the skills they need in challenging times.

The 16 young women were all smiles at the award ceremony in the main lecture hall of the University College of Teacher Education (PH) Tyrol. The children who will in future be looked after by such professionally trained leaders can also be happy.

They have now successfully completed the "Elementary Education - Early Learning" bachelor's degree program, which began in the 2020/21 academic year.

The course is primarily aimed at nursery and crèche managers (symbolic image). (Bild: 1001color -
The course is primarily aimed at nursery and crèche managers (symbolic image).

The challenges are becoming greater
The part-time course was launched in order to meet the ever-increasing challenges. The transition from kindergarten to elementary school, inclusion and language education (children from educationally disadvantaged families, with a different first language, diverse social backgrounds) are central to this. "An academic approach deepens theoretical knowledge and practical skills in order to accompany the complex development processes of children," says Regine Mathies, Rector of PH Tirol.

Zitat Icon

Now that I know about my studies alone, I am asked more often for my opinion on important decisions.

Eine Absolventin

LR Cornelia Hagele described early childhood education as a key area for a more equal society.

The goal must be a Master's degree
At the same time, the call was made at the ceremony that the Bachelor's degree could only be a first step. "The goal must be a Master's degree," said Mathies. One of the graduates has already had her first positive experiences of working with the kindergarten provider: "Just by knowing about my degree, I'm now often asked for my opinion on important decisions."

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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