Rush of the masses

Ring makes cash registers ring not only in Spielberg

27.06.2024 19:00

More than 300,000 spectators once again transform the guest appearance of the premier class of motorsport in Spielberg into a raucous, horsepower-soaked festival. And that makes the cash registers ring.

A state of emergency in the Murtal. Once again. The Formula 1 guest appearances at the Red Bull Ring mark the highlight of the racing calendar every year. A recently presented study commissioned by the Province of Styria shows what a driving force the race track is for the entire region, indeed for the whole of Austria. According to the study, between 2013 and 2023, visitor spending at the Ring and the investments made in the region generated revenue of 1.07 billion euros in Austria (671 million of which is attributable to Styria)! In the previous year alone, Formula 1, MotoGP and DTM generated revenues of 176 million euros.

Still under construction stress on Thursday: Volker Kapfer. (Bild: Pail Sepp/Sepp Pail)
Still under construction stress on Thursday: Volker Kapfer.

And the success story is entering the next round this year: "We have recorded 145,000 overnight stays this week alone thanks to Formula 1," calculates Michael Ranzmaier-Hausleitner, Chairman of the Spielberg Tourism Association. The résumé of business owners on the "Krone" tour through the region is correspondingly positive. "The events at the Ring, such as the Formula 1, are simply essential for the entire district, without them it would certainly be more difficult to keep young people here," says Volker Kapfer, who is responsible for a lot of the construction work around the Ring with his locksmith's shop.

Anita Madenberger and her traditional bakery sell an additional 15,000 rolls during Formula 1 alone. (Bild: Pail Sepp/Sepp Pail)
Anita Madenberger and her traditional bakery sell an additional 15,000 rolls during Formula 1 alone.

Anita Madenberger from the traditional bakery of the same name and her 35 employees are also sweating under the pressure of the crowds. An additional 15,000 rolls are currently being sold. Even large orders from the Dutch can't tempt anyone away: "But it's always fun when they come and order ten roulades or 50 sandwich rolls," smiles the boss. In any case, she is grateful "to have all these events here". This has brought life back to the region. "Through motorsport, but not only, because many young people are now also seeing again how good life is here."

Thumbs up for a great Grand Prix weekend: Julian, Birgit and Robert Neumann (from left). (Bild: Pail Sepp/Sepp Pail)
Thumbs up for a great Grand Prix weekend: Julian, Birgit and Robert Neumann (from left).

Robert Neumann is not really bored at the moment either. On the one hand, he is a hotelier and boss of the cult disco Burg, and on the other, he also organizes the EURO public viewing in Knittelfeld and the Burg Party Corner at Camping Blau am Ring. "What Didi Mateschitz has set up here was simply vital for many entrepreneurs." Somehow it makes sense that his 45 rooms are all fully booked. "You can just feel the great spirit that prevails in the entire region at the moment." In his view, the Mur Valley around Spielberg is also developing from a pure event region into a genuine tourist region. An unmistakable sign of this is the expansion of the Schönberghof to over 100 rooms, which is due to begin in the fall.

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