Wild brawl

Fists fly after an overtaking maneuver on a country lane

29.06.2024 11:00

A reckless overtaking maneuver on a narrow country lane caused a wild brawl in the Waldviertel (Lower Austria), which ended with facial injuries for both drivers.

There are roads on which overtaking is basically impossible. A narrow country lane, for example. You would think so. Two men in the north of the district of Krems recently provided impressive proof that the lack of road width does not have to be too great an obstacle. At least one of them mistook the unpaved road between the fields for a race track.

Both stopped
The 55-year-old somehow managed to cheat his way past the car of an 80-year-old in front of him, which was also driving significantly slower. However, the maneuver was so reckless that the amateur driver incurred the great displeasure of the overtaken driver. The two men from Waldviertel, who both know the area like the back of their hands, stopped and got out of the car.

A heated exchange of words
A heated exchange of words followed, in which many unpleasant words were exchanged. After several insults, the two Austrians decided to let their fists do the talking. During the wild brawl, the brawlers injured each other's faces. Only the police, who were alerted, managed to separate the two men. The rowdy duo will now face numerous charges

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