Negative rhetoric

New study shows: Voting for the AfD makes you unhappy

27.06.2024 15:02

A study by the Berlin Science Center shows that voting for the AfD leads to a deterioration in well-being. The difference to other parties cannot be explained by the lower social status of the electorate.

As the study published on Thursday by the Berlin Social Science Center (WZB) revealed, the negative rhetoric of right-wing populist parties such as the AfD can reduce personal life satisfaction.

AfD voters experience a deterioration in well-being
People who turn to the German AfD experienced a deterioration in their well-being, the study found. In contrast, those who turned away from the party again experienced an improvement in their well-being.

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The correlation between well-being and support for the AfD is "clear" and cannot be explained by socio-economic factors such as income or education.

Die WZB-Ökonomin Maja Adena und ihr Kollege Steffen Huck

The correlation between well-being and support for the AfD is "clear" and cannot be explained by socio-economic factors such as income or education, explained WZB economist Maja Adena and her colleague Steffen Huck.

Extensive survey series
In order to find out whether there is a connection between satisfaction and preferences for political parties, the researchers launched a large survey with more than 5,000 participants in four waves between 2019 and 2021.

What makes AfD voters tick
According to the study, a clear pattern emerged. People who support the AfD are more dissatisfied with their personal lives and financial situation than supporters of other parties. This correlation is particularly pronounced among new AfD supporters. They perceive both their personal and financial circumstances as worse.

(Bild: AFP)

The researchers suspect that the reasons for this causal relationship lie in the AfD's negative rhetoric. Those who turn to the party are more exposed to this negativity, which is detrimental to their well-being.

How can AfD voters be won back?
According to the study, the link between well-being and AfD support can even be quantified. The authors estimate that a new AfD supporter would need an additional monthly income of around 2,500 euros to return to the level of well-being they had before turning to the party.

The researchers therefore recommend that other parties emphasize positive issues instead of focusing on the AfD's negative issues. "Successfully winning back voters requires other, ideally positive topics," explained Adena. The study was published in the specialist journal "Plos one".

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read the original article here.
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