"Krone" person of the heart

Nominate a piece of genuine cordiality here!

30.06.2024 05:00

Helpful, courageous, courageous, tireless: in Lower Austria, thank God, many volunteers are out and about day and night. The "Krone" brings them in front of the curtain! Nominate your heroes now.

Saying thank you is particularly important in times like these. That's why the "Krone", together with the Lower Austria Volunteer Center, awards ten courageous individuals with the coveted "Herzensmensch" trophy and matching non-cash prizes every year. The countless entries in recent years have shown just how broad the spectrum of voluntary work is in this vast country.

The winners of the Herzensmensch 2023 campaign celebrated in the Landhaus - and have been invited to the Herzensmenschfest in Leitzersdorf today, Sunday. (Bild: Imre Antal)
The winners of the Herzensmensch 2023 campaign celebrated in the Landhaus - and have been invited to the Herzensmenschfest in Leitzersdorf today, Sunday.

Franz Schagerl, for example, who has been organizing unforgettable moments for senior citizens on a voluntary basis for years. Or Claudia Kaltenegger: the animal rights activist from Traiskirchen - a "Herzensmensch 2023" - asked the "Krone" for an incubator for wild animals. The device is now of course in use at her wild animal sanctuary. The "Grandma of Hearts", Maria Haidl from Waidhofen an der Thaya (winner 2022), who looks after her little charges, will also always be remembered.

Clubs can also win
But the Herzensmensch initiative goes further: clubs can also be nominated as part of the campaign. Last year, the Lions Club Horn took first place. With Löwenkraft, the group from the Waldviertel region has dedicated itself to providing quick and unbureaucratic help. A visible sign of this: In the 20 communities in the region, there are 20 specially designed lions in highly visible places in the region. Associations can now also be submitted for the next Herzensmensch award.

Alexander Schneller from Circus Pikard. He is Herzensmensch 2023 and takes to the stage today. (Bild: Imre Antal)
Alexander Schneller from Circus Pikard. He is Herzensmensch 2023 and takes to the stage today.
The hospice movement in the spa town of Baden near Vienna invested the Herzensmensch prize in new club clothing and an interesting workshop for volunteers. (Bild: Attila Molnar)
The hospice movement in the spa town of Baden near Vienna invested the Herzensmensch prize in new club clothing and an interesting workshop for volunteers.
Gerhard Zwinz is a double firefighter and paramedic in Ternitz-Pottschach. (Bild: Imre Antal)
Gerhard Zwinz is a double firefighter and paramedic in Ternitz-Pottschach.
Claudia Berger and her team from the "Kreativkistl" club (3rd place in the club ranking) from Ebergassing create small works of art, write on signs and paint colorful pictures - all for a good cause. (Bild: Imre Antal)
Claudia Berger and her team from the "Kreativkistl" club (3rd place in the club ranking) from Ebergassing create small works of art, write on signs and paint colorful pictures - all for a good cause.

Finally, a third category looks for particularly club-friendly communities. The competition will run from July 2024 using a questionnaire.

Celebrating twice with the people of the heart
The winners of all three categories have one thing in common: they will all be honored at the big Herzensmensch Gala on 8 November in the Landtagssitzungssaal in St. Pölten. The patrons of the campaign will also be there: "Krone" publisher Dr. Christoph Dichand and Governor Johanna Mikl-Leitner.

So be sure to nominate! Attractive non-cash prizes with a total value of 50,000 euros will be awarded. The "Krone" will organize a big party in the winning municipality next summer, including a stage, music and more.

We are looking for these people of the heart:

  • We are looking for people who have shown exemplary commitment to volunteering.
  • The most emotional, environmentally friendly, sustainable and socially responsible associations can be nominated. Please provide a brief explanation and the association's contact details.

    Submissions by post to: Kultur.Region.Niederösterreich, "Krone Herzensmensch", Neue Herrengasse 10, 3100 St. Pölten or via the Internet to: krone.at/herzensmenschnoe.

The closing date for entries is August 18, 2024

How the nominations work
How the nominations work: Until August 18 , you can nominate your hero, your person of the heart via the online form (see below) or by postcard to Kultur.Region.Niederösterreich, "Krone Herzensmensch", Neue Herrengasse 10, 3100 St. Pölten. Include a detailed explanation, the name and contact details of the nominee and the nominator. Take part!

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