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Winkler gives pupils a positive report card

27.06.2024 19:00

Hooray, the vacations are here! But before that, Burgenland's Minister of Education Daniela Winkler and Director of Education Alfred Lehner take stock and reveal what is planned next for the schools.

Around 1500 school-leavers have already received their school-leaving certificates. Today, the remaining 32,800 pupils in Burgenland will also find out what grades were awarded for their performance in the school year just ending. State Education Minister Daniela Winkler and Education Director Alfred Lehner are satisfied with the performance: "Burgenland's pupils have performed exceptionally well in various tests and competitions and once again achieved good and satisfactory Matura results."

The 2023/24 school year was characterized above all by the development of digital skills, creativity and environmental education. Winkler is convinced that these learning experiences will be of great benefit to the children in their further education. The politician is also enthusiastic about the children's willingness to learn during the vacations. This year, 2800 pupils have registered for learning camps - more than ever before!

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From August 5 to 16, students from the University of Teacher Education will also be on hand to offer advice and support to children and young people as part of the 'fit4future' project. Registrations are still possible until July 22.

Burgenlands Bildungslandesrätin Daniela Winkler

Many simplifications
To ensure that all children have the same opportunities, the state has implemented numerous support projects against the backdrop of inflation. For example, free tutoring for compulsory school pupils, subsidies for sports and project days as well as lunch subsidies have provided financial relief. To this end, the income limits for families were significantly increased. In addition, parents no longer have to make advance payments and wait for the costs to be reimbursed. The introduction of autism-specific counseling in Burgenland's kindergartens was also a valuable aid. This service is unique in Austria.

Director of Education Alfred Lehner (Bild: Reinhard Judt)
Director of Education Alfred Lehner

Regional education planning
Further simplifications are planned for the coming school year - such as the "Burgenland bewegt Kids" campaign, which will start in fall 2024. All pupils in the sixth grade will then receive a sports equipment voucher worth 200 euros. As the population figures in the districts of Eisenstadt, Mattersburg and Neusiedl are continuously increasing and the number of pupils in the south of the province is stagnating, there are also plans to establish two education regions "in order to be able to implement various measures even more efficiently in future", emphasizes Education Director Alfred Lehner.

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