Decision is today

MRI with a health insurance contract for the Weinviertel region at last

28.06.2024 06:00

There have been many attempts - even almost 7000 signatures did not help for many years: the northern Weinviertel in particular was the poor relation in the provision of health insurance contracts with MRI institutes, with long waiting times and long journeys. The responsible federal representatives are meeting today - and there could be good news . . .

Actually, one magnetic resonance tomograph is planned for every 70 to 90,000 inhabitants - accessibility should be less than 45 minutes. In the northern districts of Mistelbach and Hollabrunn, there is one MRI machine for every 125,000 inhabitants - the region is therefore even more underserved than the south, where it is quicker to switch to machines in Vienna anyway and three MRIs are available for around 190,000 inhabitants. Vorarlberg has it good: there are eight "screeners" for every 406,000 inhabitants.

North-east of the country a "white spot" on the MRT map
One person who has been campaigning against this unfair distribution for many years is Mistelbach's former mayor Alfred Weidlich. "People have to put up with long waiting times, often more than a month, or go to private institutes and pay the entire bill themselves," says Weidlich.

A ray of hope at the end of the tube: the Weinviertel-Nord region could shine today. (Bild: Andreas Leisser)
A ray of hope at the end of the tube: the Weinviertel-Nord region could shine today.

Paradox: Mistelbach has had a well-equipped MRI practice for eight years. It would only take a small change and the center of the "white area" in the central north would be opened up in one fell swoop. Politicians, including Governor Johanna Mikl-Leitner, have always advocated equal treatment on the map of "photographic screening".

An important decision is to be made today
However, an important step is to be taken today, as the "Krone" has learned from insiders: At the meeting of the "Planning Target Control Commission", which decides on the allocation of equipment with a health insurance contract, the northern Weinviertel region is finally to get its turn. It is unlikely that the regional hospital will once again be awarded the contract. This is because, as reported, the hospital does not have the capacity to carry out additional checks. It is therefore more likely that a health insurance contract will be concluded with a private institute.

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read the original article here.

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