Lift defective

Senior citizens in wheelchairs are stuck on the upper floor

28.06.2024 06:00

Severe flooding put the elevator in the care center out of action. Repairing the damage is proving difficult. Relatives are worried about their relatives.

Although the dark storm clouds have cleared for the time being, many of those affected are still struggling with the bitter consequences of the severe storms at the beginning of June. Among those suffering are the senior citizens of the care competence center in Schandorf in the district of Oberwart.

Trapped on the upper floor
Heavy rain showers caused water to enter the building and put the elevator out of action. Since then, residents who are dependent on a wheelchair or walker have been trapped on the upper floor.

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My mother, who lives on the second floor, has not been able to get to the entrance for almost three weeks and can no longer go outside to get some fresh air and enjoy the peace and quiet.

Eine besorgte Tochter

Staff bring food up
For some residents, this is a difficult situation to cope with. The staff are also suffering under the flood load. "The nursing staff have to lug the delivered food upstairs in boxes," reports one family.

It is not so easy to repair the faulty lift. The necessary spare parts are not immediately available.

Care centers are not immune to the consequences of severe storms. (Bild: Schulter Christian)
Care centers are not immune to the consequences of severe storms.

Managing director reassures
"You can usually expect a waiting time of four to six weeks. We are pleased that in our case the damage can be repaired much more quickly. We assume that at least one of the two lifts will be working safely again this week," says Andreas Balog, Managing Director of the responsible Workers' Samaritan Association, reassuringly. He thanks the municipality and the state for their close cooperation in acute emergencies such as the floods.

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read the original article here.

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