Question about vacation

Inguinal hernia surgery: when will I be fit again afterwards?

01.07.2024 06:30

Readers ask, experts answer on the most pressing health issues. Hannes E. (53): "I'm thinking about having an operation on my hernia, which I keep feeling. When would I be fit again for my planned hiking vacation in October?"

Prim. Dr. Johannes Karl Stopfer, Head of Surgery at the Evangelical Hospital in Vienna: As a rule, minor inguinal hernias that you can't feel are checked, but not operated on. If, as in your case, it is already noticeable from time to time, there is an increased likelihood of pain during physical exertion.

I therefore recommend that you have your hernia surgically repaired before your hiking vacation. This will prevent the risk of intestinal loops becoming trapped and causing complications.

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Hernia operations are not very stressful and only require a short stay in hospital. After around two weeks, you can resume light hiking and cycling trips. However, you should refrain from lifting heavy loads (such as a heavy rucksack) for the first four weeks. To make the most of your vacation, it would be ideal to have the operation at least six weeks beforehand.

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