Case in Kitzbühel

14 poor rabbits rescued from bad conditions

28.06.2024 07:00

An animal keeper in the district of Kitzbühel was severely overburdened, and now an association from the Tyrolean lowlands and the authorities felt compelled to intervene. The confiscated animals hope to find a better home one day.

The sight at a private home in the district of Kitzbühel did not leave animal lovers cold: 14 rabbits were living out their lives in boxes they had made themselves that were far too small. Among them was a pregnant animal and, according to the vet, they were suffering from inbreeding and deformities.

The animals were collected from several boxes. (Bild: Hoppelwiese/Verein Samtpfotenstube)
The animals were collected from several boxes.

The overburdened owner had often attracted attention in the past and was now visited by staff from the Samtpfotenstube/Hoppelwiese association and the authorities.

Subsequent placement as a goal
"The cattery has now been closed, we are now rehabilitating the rabbits and providing them with medical care," explains one employee. The association looks after motherless baby cats, for example, but also small animals - from guinea pigs to rabbits. The aim - also in this current case - is to find a better home for them later on.

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Rabbits need exercise and it should be noted that they are sexually mature at twelve weeks.

Eine Mitarbeiterin des Vereins Samtpfotenstube/Hoppelwiese

Attention: sexually mature at twelve weeks
Appeal from animal lovers: "Rabbits need exercise and it should be noted that they are sexually mature at twelve weeks. Males must be castrated before this." Otherwise there is a risk of unwanted offspring, including inbreeding with stillbirths, diseases, etc.

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