"Attention" in the city

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28.06.2024 11:13

Price shock in the ice cream parlor: it's not just the temperatures that are soaring, but also the prices. In Vienna in particular, a scoop of ice cream has not been available for less than two euros for some time.

Summertime and ice cream simply belong together. The (midsummer) weather is currently causing another boom in the city's ice cream parlors. But the rise in prices has not stopped at this cool treat. In most ice cream parlors in Vienna, a scoop of ice cream has not been available for less than two euros for some time now.

The well-known ice cream parlor on Schwedenplatz in the city center also promises ice cream enjoyment in abundance. There, a scoop in a Stanitzel or cup costs 2.20 euros. However, you have to dig a little deeper into your pocket for one flavor.

At the display case, customers are informed that a scoop of nougat ice cream costs 3.20 euros. (Bild: Patrick Puchinger)
At the display case, customers are informed that a scoop of nougat ice cream costs 3.20 euros.

The poster right next to the ice cream display case catches the eye from afar. "Attention! Nougat ice cream", it says. You have to pay 3.20 euros for a scoop. But why is it so expensive? "It's a special variety for which we use special, high-quality ingredients," says ice cream maker Deborah Molin Pradel, explaining the high price to the Krone.

The iced coffee and wild strawberry varieties are also in the same price segment. These are only available for a few weeks at a time and are also expensive to produce, says Molin Pradel.

These ice cream classics are still very popular
The most popular ice cream flavors among Austrians have remained the same for years. At the top of the list is vanilla, followed by strawberry and chocolate.

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