Four days of brass music

Goosebumps during a serenade at the start of Woodstock

27.06.2024 18:30

Tobias from Germany celebrated his 50th birthday on the big opening day of the Woodstock of brass music in Ort im Innkreis - with thousands of party-goers in the Innviertel region. And one thing is guaranteed for the coming days: Lots of fun and a good atmosphere.

What a start! At this year's Woodstock of brass music in Ort im Innkreis, presented by the "Krone", there were goosebumps right at the start: "I'm just touched", Tobias from Fulda showed his emotions in the "Krone" interview - the German celebrated his 50th birthday with his brass band, consisting of around 60 musicians.

With bag and baggage to the festival
Last year, the 50-year-old accidentally laughed from the front page of the "Krone" festival guide: "That cost me a few rounds," grins the likeable musician. His companions came up with a few ideas for his very special anniversary - in addition to Tobias T-shirts, there was also a serenade: "Just goosebumps, I have the best friends!"

But Tobias wasn't the only one celebrating the opening day of the festival - thousands of other brass music enthusiasts also traveled to the festival with bag and baggage.

(Bild: Wenzel Markus)
(Bild: Wenzel Markus)
(Bild: Wenzel Markus)
(Bild: Wenzel Markus)
(Bild: Wenzel Markus)
(Bild: Wenzel Markus)

Photovoltaic systems and hundreds of toasters
In addition to the instruments, mobile photovoltaic systems, fridges, hundreds of toasters, cool drinks and even Santa Clauses were placed around the site.

At 12.30 pm, the music really got going: the Schallmooser Buam set off the first firework display of hits in the Tanzl und Gstanzl Stubm - this year, in addition to the Buffet Crampon Main Stage, there is also the Kraut und Ruabm Area, the Allerhand Stage, the Woodstock Stadel, Sepp a Reh and the brand new Demmelbauer's Tanzboden - three more intense festival days in the Innviertel region are just around the corner.

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read the original article here.

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