Ice age already over?

Nehammer: New coalition with the Greens is possible

27.06.2024 16:49

What many within the ÖVP no longer want, Chancellor Karl Nehammer has at least not decidedly ruled out: namely a turquoise-green coalition after the National Council elections. Even Leonore Gewessler, who has been denounced by the People's Party, does not sound averse.

After Climate Minister Gewessler's EU outburst on the subject of renaturation, the anger within the People's Party knew no bounds. The Turks felt taken by surprise and betrayed by the junior partner.

There was talk of a breach of trust and of the law by the Green politician. The ÖVP farmers' association and the federal party filed charges against the minister. Constitutional Minister Karoline Edtstadler (ÖVP) also accused Gewessler of breaking the constitution. What's more: the Greens had "disqualified" themselves as a new coalition partner.

Party leaders among themselves: Werner Kogler and Karl Nehammer (Bild: APA/ROBERT JAEGER)
Party leaders among themselves: Werner Kogler and Karl Nehammer

A rejection sounds different
However, according to party leader and Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer, who recently embraced Green Party leader Werner Kogler at the European Football Championships in Berlin, the past four and a half years have not been all bad. He does not want to rule out a new edition from the outset.

"I think we have overcome a great many crises together," the Chancellor told ServusTV on Thursday. He sees one reason for this in his first representative: "Werner Kogler and I have always had a very good working relationship and have promised each other that we will keep it until election day."

Gewessler's solo effort was something of an anomaly and legal action had been taken. He emphasized that if things had been "as they are now" for the entire legislative period, "responsible governance and making difficult decisions" would not have been possible. Gewessler had risen above the law in order to pursue political actionism, according to Nehammer.

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The Federal Chancellor neither rules out nor includes a coalition, but makes it clear that the voters will have their say on September 29. If he is elected, he will use his experience to form a government.

Aus dem Kanzleramt

The Chancellor continued: "What I am saying is that the voters can also decide very clearly on 29 September what they think of this action [...]. And I think it is the respect in democracy for the voters that we also have to wait for exactly that and before that for the trust of the people."

Renaturalization of the turquoise-green relationship
Meanwhile, the climate minister was once again unimpressed by the accusations. When asked whether she would form a coalition with the ÖVP again as Green deputy leader, Gewessler recently said in the "Standard" newspaper: "Why not!" Her party is guided by "how much can be achieved with which partner". They want to enter into talks with this yardstick after the election - "also with the ÖVP".

According to current polls, a new coalition seems out of reach:

To some, this certainly sounds like a possible renaturation of the turquoise-green relationship. Or as Nehammer says: "Everything else will then become clear on September 29." On Thursday evening, however, the Chancellery clarified: "The Federal Chancellor is neither ruling out nor ruling in a coalition, but is making it clear that the voters will have their say on 29 September. If he is elected, he will use his experience to form a government."

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