Open Air in Klagenfurt

Tasteless: How Carinthians are rethinking the party scene

27.06.2024 17:07

Marked by the pandemic and the limited opportunities to meet friends and party together in the evening, three young Carinthians decided to take the party scene into their own hands. The result: an open-air party in Klagenfurt's Goethepark.

Under the name Tasteless, Luca Eineter (24) from Krumpendorf, Patrik Prasser (28) from Steindorf am Ossiacher See and Melvin Wagner (27) from Feldkirchen organize music events "where everyone is welcome and everyone can be themselves". The trio is working to bring the house and tech house scene that is so popular in Amsterdam, the UK and Spain to their home country - the organizers know from their own experience what is missing here.

Without further ado, they took the helm themselves: after several events in Vienna and a stopover in Klagenfurt at Easter, the party is back in the state capital on Saturday, June 29 - at an open-air party in Goethepark. What started with around 100 visitors is now an event with more than 600 party guests.

"Everyone should be who they want to be"
They should be encouraged to "get to know new and unknown things and be inspired". Hence the special name: Tasteless - which means tasteless or without taste - is not about chasing after a trend.

The fan base is growing: more and more visitors are attending the events. (Bild: Tasteless)
The fan base is growing: more and more visitors are attending the events.
In Klagenfurt, the celebrations are held in the open air. (Bild: Tasteless)
In Klagenfurt, the celebrations are held in the open air.
The location: Goethepark near the Künstlerhaus in Klagenfurt (Bild: Tasteless)
The location: Goethepark near the Künstlerhaus in Klagenfurt

That's often the case: "Having taste is usually just a trend - you like it because everyone likes it. So nowadays, taste is very much influenced from the outside," the organizers criticize: "Who gives us the right to determine who has taste or not? Everyone should just be the person they want to be and who ultimately makes them happy."

Eineter, Prasser and Wagner assure us that they attach great importance to this when organizing their party evenings: "It's important to us that our events are more than just simple celebrations. Rather, Tasteless should be about community building", in other words, about finding a community. Half of the events consist of "our activities, the other 50 percent is made up of our audience. That's the only way parties can be an extraordinary experience for everyone!"

Tasteless: return to Klagenfurt
The first event in Klagenfurt took place at Easter - a few hundred people attended back then. "Especially considering that the three of us are originally from Carinthia, it's important to us to be able to offer something here too. Even though it's our first open-air event in Carinthia, we have a lot to look forward to," the trio assures us.

Tasteless Klagenfurt

  • 4 to 10 p.m.: Open-air party in Goethepark
  • 10 p.m. to 4 a.m.: Afterparty at the Fritz Club
  • The DJs are: Bella, Michael Wagner (KEMA), Chris Kaplaner, Patrik Hour, Felix Sommer, Chris Kaplaner
  • Admission from 18, tickets via Instagram and at the box office

For example, unusual and creative lighting and sound design that are "on an incredible level" and "extremely change and enhance the experience of the event".

A consolation for all those who can't join in the celebrations on Saturday: "There's definitely still a lot to look forward to this summer in Carinthia," promises the Tasteless crew. And: "We don't want to give too much away yet, but there are already a few projects in the pipeline throughout Austria!"

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read the original article here.

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