Carinthian police officers

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27.06.2024 18:35

Extension for the deployment of Klagenfurt's deputy police chief Katrin Horn and her executive team in Germany. The "Krone" reached her by telephone on the way to the eighth-final venue in Leipzig.

While the national team can take a breather until the round of 16 on Tuesday, the red-white-red police team sent by the Ministry of the Interior will hardly have any "breaks". "We are currently on our way to Leipzig - on Saturday there will be initial briefings and inspections for the match against Turkey," says Klagenfurt's Deputy Chief of Police Katrin Horn, who will be wearing the "captain's bow" on site as head of operations.

Head of operations Katrin Horn with her Klagenfurt colleague Maximilian Grießer on European Championship police duty for Austria (Bild: zVg)
Head of operations Katrin Horn with her Klagenfurt colleague Maximilian Grießer on European Championship police duty for Austria
Side by side with their German colleagues as the red-white-red fans arrive. (Bild: zVg)
Side by side with their German colleagues as the red-white-red fans arrive.
The Austrian officers with their French colleagues for our opening match. (Bild: zVg)
The Austrian officers with their French colleagues for our opening match.

Their team is responsible for the safe arrival and departure of the red-white-red supporters. As a big soccer fan and active player, the assignment is something very special for her. "The atmosphere among the supporters is great - and so far there have been no incidents apart from wallets that have gone missing and a child that was briefly lost," says the Carinthian by choice from Styria. Above all, she raves about the almost friendly atmosphere between the fans and her team.

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The stupid thing is that we can hear the fans cheering outside the stadium even before we see the goal on the live stream on our cell phones.

Katrin Horn, Klagenfurts Vize-Polizei-Chefin zur „Krone“

"Hope the ÖFB team extends our commitment"
"The Austrians recognize us, talk to us, ask for advice - and we help where we can. The fans see us as a link to the German officials." Of course, she watched the Austria matches: "Even if usually only for 70 minutes. We sit in front of the stadium, watch on our cell phones and listen to the fan chants live. I hope that the ÖFB team will extend our assignment again on Tuesday - and that we'll stay until July!"

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read the original article here.

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