Customers left alone

Paid €25,000 for a kitchen, but the goods never arrived

28.06.2024 08:00

Several customers complain that a furniture store in Ansfelden went into hiding after down payments. The case is already being investigated. A Perger describes his case on He had paid 25,000 euros and now finds himself without a kitchen and with a lot of debt.

"Now I have a mountain of debt and don't know what to do next." A Perger, who wishes to remain anonymous, is desperate. He paid more than 25,000 euros to a kitchen studio in the greater Linz area, the goods should have been delivered three months ago, but have still not arrived in the Perger's new building. "I was treated badly from the moment my money arrived," says the house builder about the kitchen studio. He is not the only disgruntled customer. Helmut E. says: "I'm talking about appliances worth 4,000 euros that never arrived." In his case, too, the interior design studio has now gone underground.

Investigations are underway
A total of around 200 injured parties are said to have made down payments but not received any kitchens. As a result, the police have already received reports and are investigating fraud.

Solutions are being sought
Michael Freyenschlag, the head of the affected furnishing studio that sells Dan kitchens, appears desperate in the "Krone" interview and rejects accusations of fraud: "I understand the customers, they are the poorest." The current delivery delays are due to the negotiations with the kitchen manufacturer, which have been difficult for weeks.

Its managing director, Ewald Marschallinger, in turn points out that the studio is an independent company whose financial difficulties were only recently discovered. Solutions will be offered to the customers affected.

Meanwhile, there are many indications that the kitchen studio is insolvent. The company's website is already offline.

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read the original article here.

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