Concrete plans

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27.06.2024 17:21

If traffic flows through the city tunnel, bus services are to be expanded and more space given to cycling.

If everything goes according to plan, the Feldkirch city tunnel should be completed in 2030. Traffic will flow underground, while the reclaimed living space will be used above ground. In his inaugural speech, Feldkirch's new mayor Manfred Rädler (ÖVP) already referred to the importance of the city tunnel. This would enable sustainable and future-oriented urban development. "In order to give the people of Feldkirch a roadmap for the future, we have bundled all activities that will make our city even more liveable under the umbrella of Feldkirch 2020plus," explained Rädler at a press conference on Thursday. This vision of the future is intended to give a rough idea of what the Montfort town could look like in six years' time.

The reduction in motorized traffic should then be particularly noticeable in the city centre, Tisis and Tosters. While the redesign of the town center in Tosters already began in 2019, citizens in Tisis will soon have the opportunity to contribute their ideas for the design of the district.

"A yes to the city tunnel is also a yes to the expansion of public transport," said Thomas Spalt, FPÖ city councillor for spatial and transport planning. Congestion-free roads would make it possible to expand bus services. Numerous improvements for cycling are also planned. "A new cycle connection is currently being built between Feldkirch and Frastanz, and an underpass in Kapfweg is being planned," explained Thomas Spalt.

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