A10 exit barriers

Drivers angry: “Checks are toothless!”

28.06.2024 07:00

Alexander Kirchgasser, a family man from Radstadt, was astonished when an inspector at the Hallein highway exit allegedly told him that he didn't care who drove off here or not. In general, the Radstadt resident sees the controls as "toothless".

An attentive reader discovered himself on a photo of the departure controls in Hallein in the "Sonntagskrone". Alexander Kirchgasser, a Radstadt family man, was on his way to a dance performance by his daughter. He told the "Krone" in astonishment that the employee at the checkpoint told him in conversation that he "didn't care at all" who was leaving and who was not. As a reminder: The state of Salzburg has set up exit barriers to prevent congestion in municipalities at peak traffic times - according to regulations, only drivers with destinations in Salzburg are allowed to exit the A10.

Asfinag only supports the police
Christoph Pollinger from Asfinag: "The inspector is an employee of the private security service who steps in when there are staff shortages. I was unable to verify the statement. Inspectors have a demanding job."

Alexander Kirchgasser was on this bus. After a statement from the inspector, he describes his experience at the A10 exit to the "Krone". (Bild: Tröster Andreas/ANDREAS TROESTER)
Alexander Kirchgasser was on this bus. After a statement from the inspector, he describes his experience at the A10 exit to the "Krone".

Why does Asfinag inspect there? Pollinger: "Checking exit barriers is not an original task of Asfinag. In other federal states, the police carry out this task. We provide support during tunnel construction sites."

"Success does not depend on the bodies deployed"
Family man Kirchgasser is critical: "My point is to show that residents and commuters are being played for situations, but seemingly toothless methods are being used. The bans are only as good as the controls."

Hans Wolfgruber, spokesman for the Salzburg Provincial Police Directorate. (Bild: Tschepp Markus)
Hans Wolfgruber, spokesman for the Salzburg Provincial Police Directorate.

The Salzburg police counter this, as spokesman Hans Wolfgruber says: "The success of these controls does not depend on the bodies deployed, but on the content of the respective regulations. If a person gives suitable reasons for leaving the highway, then they are allowed to leave in any case - regardless of who checks them."

According to Wolfgruber, "Sending someone 'back' onto the highway can only be done on a voluntary basis, as there is no obligation to use the highway in Austria. Drivers who do not have a vignette cannot be obliged to purchase one."

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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