Mourning for Gebi Halder

Farewell to a passionate politician

27.06.2024 17:55

During a mourning session, Parliament President Harald Sonderegger paid tribute to the political work of former Parliament President Gebhard Halder, who passed away on May 20.

Many political companions - starting with former provincial governor Herbert Sausgruber and former provincial governors Karlheinz Rüdisser and Dieter Egger - gathered in Bregenz on Thursday morning for the funeral service to mark the death of former provincial parliament president Gebhard Halder. Parliamentary President Harald Sonderegger expressed his condolences to widow Herma Halder and her children and grandchildren. In his speech, Sonderegger praised the former President of Parliament as a passionate and combative person.

The members of the Vorarlberg state parliament during the minute's silence. (Bild: Mathis Fotografie)
The members of the Vorarlberg state parliament during the minute's silence.
Parliament President Harald Sonderegger paid tribute to Halder's political work. (Bild: Mathis Fotografie)
Parliament President Harald Sonderegger paid tribute to Halder's political work.

Gebhard Halder, who was a member of the provincial parliament for 25 years as a deputy, club chairman and finally as president, was a person who did not say yes and amen to everything. As a trained and active farmer, he always stood up for the needs of farmers - and also communicated their concerns and fears in the run-up to the referendum on EU accession. "He soon saw the EU as having no alternative and, as President of the state parliament, endeavored to establish a network of the regions."

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Much of what Gebhard Halder planted has taken healthy, strong roots and grown well.

Harald Sonderegger, Landtagspräsident

Many decisions, such as those on energy autonomy or the lowering of the voting age, were made during his time in office. "Much of what he planted has taken healthy, strong roots and grown well. If we continue to nurture these, his plants, this is probably the best way to keep Gebhard's memory alive. I bow to a great regional politician and am grateful for his legacy," concluded Sonderegger at the end.

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