The best tips

Swimming dangers should not be underestimated

28.06.2024 15:00

Summer is finally here and many people want to cool off in their local lake or private pool. But there are many dangers lurking in the water, as can unfortunately be seen year after year. Three simple tips help to avoid accidents while swimming.

Unfortunately, the much-anticipated summer weather also brings swimming accidents. Just last weekend, a 19-year-old drowned in a swimming pond and a 51-year-old narrowly escaped with his life - as reported by the "Krone" newspaper.

"With three simple tips, around 90 percent of all swimming accidents could be avoided," explains Martin Eberl, Deputy Head of Upper Austria Water Rescue. "Firstly, you shouldn't jump into cold water when you're hot, as this can lead to collapse and fainting. Secondly, swim parallel to the shore instead of far out. And thirdly: never leave small children unattended! A few centimeters of water is enough. You won't hear any screaming or splashing - drowning is completely silent!"

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Young children, senior citizens and young men between 18 and 30 are most at risk - the latter due to overconfidence.

Martin Eberl, Wasserrettung Oberösterreich

Don't underestimate the current
Rivers harbor even more dangers: "The current is underestimated. It can be strong even close to the banks and can even be fatal near bridge piers because you can be pushed against the pier or pulled under water," says the water rescuer. In addition, flowing waters are colder.

Get the rescue chain going
What should you do if you realize that someone needs help? "Start the rescue chain immediately," emphasizes Eberl. "After that, it all depends on the conditions: Water temperature, your own swimming ability, current. But self-protection always comes first. If you feel confident enough to swim to the person who is falling, make sure you bring a buoyancy aid. Otherwise the person will cling to you. Here too, rivers are much more dangerous: what causes problems for the person in distress will also affect the rescuer."

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read the original article here.

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