Deadlines fixed

This is how long our MPs are still in office

27.06.2024 18:30

On September 29, Austrians will elect their new members of parliament. The corresponding ordinance was passed unanimously on Thursday. Other deadlines have now also been set, such as July 9.

Deadlines such as the opening of the electoral roll and the submission of election proposals are based on this date. In other words: from July 9, lists that are not yet represented in the National Council can start collecting declarations of support. This applies, for example, to the Beer Party and the Madeline Petrovic list. Candidates must be at least 18 years old by election day. A total of 183 seats are up for grabs.

Anyone who is at least 16 years old on September 29 can vote. It is also necessary to have Austrian citizenship by the first cut-off date. According to Interior Minister Gerhard Karner (ÖVP), 6.3 million people are eligible to vote nationwide. The exact figure will be available at the end of August.

Government has two more meetings
The current government still has two regular National Council meetings before the election - one next week and the second on September 18. However, special sessions are possible during the summer recess. However, at least one third of MPs must support this. Austria's current members of parliament are in office until October 24. The first session of the newly elected National Council is scheduled for this day.

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